

Trade Name : White prawn
Scientific Name : Penaeus indicus
French : Crevette
Spanish : Camaron
Gear used : Trawl net, cost net, slake net / culine
Peak season : Throughout the year except monsoon season
Distribution : Entire West coast and South?East coast of India
Areas of abundance : Kerala and Karnataka coasts


Trade Name : Tiger prawn
Scientific Name : Penaeus monodon
French : Crevette
Spanish: Camaron
Gear used: Trawl net, cost net, slake net / culine
Peak season: November to May
Distribution: East coast and South -West
Areas of abundance: West Bengal and Orissa coasts


Trade Name  : Deep sea shrimp
Scientific Name : Solenocera sp.
French : Crevette
Spanish : Camaron
Gear used : Trawl net
Peak season : February to May
Distribution : Both the East-West coast
Areas of abundance : South – West coast


Trade Name : Marine shrimp (Karikadi)
Scientific Name : Parapenaeopsis stylifera
French : Crevette
Spanish: Camaron
Gear used: Trawl net
Peak season: May to November
Distribution: Both the coasts but more in South -West coast
Areas of abundance: Kerala and Karnataka coasts


Trade Name : Scampi
Scientific Name : Macrobrachium rosenbergii
French : Crevette D’eau Douce
Gear used: Cast net and other indigenous gear
Peak season: September to November and May to July
Distribution: In fresh and brackish waters along both coasts
Areas of abundance: Lakes of West Bengal, Orissa and Kerala


Trade Name : Sea crab
Scientific Name : Portunus pelagicus
French : Crabe
Spanish: Cangrejo
Gear used: Trawl net, Drag net and Shore seines
Peak season: July to December
Distribution: West and East coasts of India
Areas of abundance: Off the coasts of W. Bengal, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Maharashtra

Seafood is a high-protein, low-fat food that provides a range of health benefits. White-fleshed fish, in particular, is lower in fat than any other source of animal protein, and oily fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, or the “good” fats. Since the human body can’t make significant amounts of these essential nutrients, fish are an important part of the diet. Also, fish are low in the “bad” fats commonly found in red meat, called omega-6 fatty acids.